16 Year Old Tia Inspires Bridgend Village to Help Their Local Food Bank

The cost-of-living crisis is continuing to hit hard and many families are struggling, while charities are overwhelmed with the volume of people in need of support. One small Bridgend village is now playing an active part to help tackle food poverty thanks to the actions of inspirational 16 year old Tia Ruddle.
Tia, who lives in Maudlam in Bridgend, was saddened and shocked to learn that almost 7,000 people needed to rely on Bridgend Food Bank in just 8 months, (the highest number in Wales) and decided to take direct action to help feed hungry people in her local community.
After putting together a leaflet asking village residents to donate what they could every Sunday throughout May, Tia hand delivered a copy to every house in the village. They collected their first parcels from residents last Sunday and were delighted with the response.

Tia explained:
“It’s so sad to think there are so many families living in our town who haven’t got enough to eat and of course, I wanted to do what I could to help.
“I love living in Maudlam, it’s a lovely community and I knew people here would respond. As you can see from the pictures, the support from locals has been brilliant.”
Mum Nicky added: “We’ll be collecting every Sunday throughout May now and would like to thank everyone for being so supportive.
“I’m super proud of Tia but also of our wonderful village community for being so generous on our first week. At a time of economic hardship, the community has displayed generosity and kindness. We are truly blessed to live where we do, and I hope Tia’s thoughtfulness inspires others.”
How you can help
Tia will collect from homes in Maudlam every Sunday throughout May, but you can also help Bridgend Foodbank in the following ways:
Donate food here: Donate food | Bridgend Foodbank
Volunteer to help here: Volunteer | Bridgend Foodbank
Donate money here: https://bridgend.foodbank.org.uk/give-help/donate-money/
If you need help:
The Food Bank is non-judgemental and is there to help anyone in need.
Here’s how to get help: How to get help | Bridgend Foodbank
Here’s what happens when you visit: Visiting a foodbank | Bridgend Foodbank