News from Wales

2021 Cardiff Bay Run Event Postponed

The 2021 Brecon Carreg Cardiff Bay Run scheduled for Sunday 23 May 2021 will not go ahead as planned. The event, which usually attracts over 5,000 competitors, has been postponed.

R4W Chief Executive Matt Newman explains the decision: “Over the winter months we have been working closely with the Welsh and UK Governments to understand the potential timeline for the safe return of events in Wales, including a COVID secure event in Cardiff Bay on Sunday 23 May.”

“While the vaccine rollout in the UK continues to provide cause for optimism and the recent announcement by the UK Prime Minister indicated a potential timeline for the return of events across the border, the situation in Wales is still uncertain.”  

“Upon review of the updated Coronavirus Control Plan, published by the Welsh Government on Friday 19 March, it is now clear that the cautious approach to the easing of restrictions in Wales will mean it is not possible to deliver an event of the scale of the Cardiff Bay Run in the first half of 2021.”

“The Welsh Government will continue to review restrictions in Wales every 21 days, however, this phased approach to opening and the prospect of only smaller scale test events being permitted in May, will not give sufficient time to plan for the delivery of the Cardiff Bay Run on its scheduled date.”

At this stage, organisers are unable to propose a new date for the event with certainty, but the ambition is to deliver the race in September 2021. They will continue to work with the Welsh Government and provide those who are registered to take part an update on their view on the return of events in Wales by late May. When the date is confirmed, those signed up will be offered a number of additional options should they be unable to attend.

For those looking for motivation whilst we continue to wait for the return of live events, R4W have unveiled an exciting new series of virtual events. From mile to marathon – there’s a range of options to choose from, ideal for those looking to improve their fitness ahead of the return of live events.

More details on the postponement of the Brecon Carreg Cardiff Bay Run can be found on the event website at

More details on R4W’s series of virtual events can be found at

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