5 Ways to Protect Children in the Flu Season!

Written by Amelia David
In the UK, flu season is typically an issue from December to May – however with changeable weather and easy transmission in households, added to coming out of a pandemic and COVID 19 still being around, many parents are still cautious. Flu is one of the diseases that gets recycled in the household easily. It’s safer to say that flu never fails to surprise.
We agree with Robert Orben here:
“The flu season is when you start off in the morning with a light heart and end up in the evening with a heavy nose”.
Therefore, children who are ill and have symptoms of flu should be treated as soon as possible. It is suggested to treat them with an antiviral agent. Moreover, parents can also protect their children by being cautious and taking extra precautions.
A strong immune system functions as a shield to prevent any kind of seasonal allergies. You can also check out Little Spoon sachets for immune system boosting, known as sniffle shields. Make sure to apply Little Spoon Discount Code to lower the prices on your online purchase.
It compromises all organic ingredients. You can mix it into baby blends for your kids. Also, it can be given to kids and babies of all ages. However, if the symptoms worsen then see your GP promptly.
In this US, we have seen a drastic change in the number of flu-related hospitalizations, particularly in kids aged 5 years.
Did you know the flu-related cases among kids rose from 7,000 to 26,000 in the U.S from the 2019-to 2020 season?
Don’t dwell any longer as we have enlisted a few ways to protect your children during the flu season.
1. Get The Vaccination Done:
If there is one way to prevent the seasonal flu or allergies then make sure your child gets the flu vaccine.
The yearly vaccination is one of the most efficient ways to prevent & safeguard your kids against influenza & its severe complications. It is necessary for kids aged between 6 months to 5 years.
v The Significance of the 2021-2022 Flu Vaccine:
The world has changed with the Covid-19. Therefore, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) states on the co-existence of coronavirus aka COVID-19 with the current flu situation:
“It is advised for parents who have kids older than six months to have them vaccinated, against flu”
Children are more prone to the influenza virus and can easily spread it to others as well. If your child isn’t vaccinated with the 2021-2022 flu vaccine then your child’s pediatrician can administer and resolve it.
2. Healthy Habits:
You can also teach your kids healthy habits to prevent flu and spread of germs. The tips mentioned below will help you safeguard yourself and your kids from flu:
· Hand Hygiene:
It is crucial to teach your kids the prominence of clean hands. You can make it fun by telling them they are superheroes that save lives by washing their hands. This way, they will be encouraged with the motive:
Clean hands save lives!
· Wash Your Hands Regularly:
Once they understand the importance of washing hands, your next goal should be to make it a habit. Let them wash their hands frequently with soap and water for good 20 seconds. If your kids cough or sneeze then they should clean their hands afterward.
· Use Sanitizer:
Nowadays, one should always carry a bottle of sanitizer with them!
Why is that so?
What if you are in a public place or you aren’t nearby any water source? Here sanitizer (an alcohol-based hand rub) will save you and your kids from germs.
· Keep The Surfaces Clean:
It doesn’t end with only maintaining the habit of washing hands. As a parent, you should ensure that surfaces are neat and clean. Thus, the kids aren’t able to contract any disease from the dirty surface.
As Margaret Chan states:
“The unique nature of the influenza virus is its great potential for changes, for mutation.”
3. The Cough Etiquettes:
Most parents worry about how they can teach their kid’s cough etiquette. Remember, it starts with you.
Therefore, follow the basic cough manners listed below:
- Always cover your face whenever you cough or use your sleeve (No hands)!
- Cough into a tissue and dispose of it immediately.
- However, if the disposable tissues are not available then cough into the inside of the elbow.
They will automatically adapt the habit by observing your behavior. You can also instruct them while coughing by directing their arms gently to their mouth/nose while stating cover your mouth.
Do you know flu germs unroll about 6 feet while coughing or sneezing?
So, educate your kids to cover their noses and mouth. Make sure they clean their hands spot on!
You can also teach them to practice social distancing if they are sick. Additionally, if flu is hitting your community hard then avoid social gatherings such as movie nights or going out for brunch etc.
4. Maintain A Healthy Diet:
As a caregiver and a parent, you should always maintain a healthy diet for your toddler & kids. A nutrient-dense diet that is enriched with fruits, veggies, milk, and water would work wonders for your child’s overall health.
5. High-Quality Sleep:
According to experts:
Getting sufficient hours of sleep boosts the immune system. It means, that if your kids get a healthy amount of sleep then they’ll have a well-balanced immune system. Hence, it leads to less serious allergic reactions.
Therefore, if you have a toddler then 12 hours of sleep is recommended and for school-age kids, 10-hours is advised.
Pro-Tip: Make sure you dress up your kids warmly. Look out for better health options such as Little Spoon. They provide an incredible sniffle shield comprised of organic ingredients. Moreover, you can apply Little Spoon Discount Code to lower the prices on your online purchase.
About The Author:
Amelia David is a health private instructor and a health coach. She has published books where she shares her expertise with parents around the globe on concepts of parenting. She loves to read, eat out and review different meal brands.