60,000 face coverings being distributed to Bridgend schools

Around 60,000 reusable face coverings are being distributed to schools this week for both pupils and staff.
The three-ply, adjustable face coverings meet World Health Organisation-recommended specifications and can be washed at least 50 times.
Bridgend County Borough Council is recommending that all secondary school pupils wear a face covering on dedicated local authority provided home-to-school transport. It also recommends that secondary school pupils wear face coverings in communal areas of schools, in corridors and toilets.
There is no recommendation for primary school pupils to wear a face covering in schools or on school transport, including those on vehicles carrying mixed-age groups.
The council’s cabinet member for education and regeneration Councillor Dr Charles Smith said: “The face coverings are suitable for both adults and children. Each secondary school pupil can request five face coverings from their school and a safe storage bag for the academic year – face coverings should be stored securely in the storage bag when not in use.
“The council is also recommending that staff wear face coverings in communal areas and in corridors in all schools.
“There is no recommendation for learners or staff to wear face coverings in classrooms or teaching spaces unless schools feel that, due to the proximity of pupils and staff, this would reduce the risk to pupils and staff of the potential transmission of Covid-19.
“The use of face coverings by pupils with medical conditions or with some additional learning needs is not recommended on school transport, or in any school setting.”
He added: “Any pupils or staff wishing to use their own face covering, are recommended to source one that meets the World Health Organisation standards.”
To help prepare parents, carers, guardians and pupils as they return to school, a set of frequently asked questions have been published on the council website covering information ranging from uniforms and school dinners to transport and health and safety.
To access the frequently asked questions visit the council website.