79 Year Old Airbond CEO receives Queen’s Award for Innovation

Airbond Splicers have announced the official presentation of a prestigious Queen’s Award for Innovation 2019.
The presentation was made at Airbond’s Pontypool base by Lord Lieutenant of Gwent – Brigadier Robert Aitken CBE.
Managing Director, Graham Waters said:
“Is been a great day for us. We’re very proud to receive this award. Getting here has been a team effort and the award is an acknowledgement of all our hard work.”
The award recognises Airbond’s innovative patented splicing technology which delivers game-changing improvements in operating costs for yarn processors in the textiles and composites industries.
The on-site award follows an official celebration at Buckingham Palace which was attended by HRH Prince Charles earlier this year.
At 79, Mr Waters, is harder working and more technology driven than most business owners half his age, he said:
“I enjoy innovating and pushing boundaries in our sector.
“Our brains don’t stop working when you reach the age of 65. Some people prefer to retire and spend more time on their passions and hobbies. Inventing things and solving problems are my passion and joy.”
This year 201 Queen’s Award winners were announced: 129 for International Trade; 61 for Innovation; 5 for Sustainable Development and 6 for Promoting Opportunity (through social mobility). The awards are made annually by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and are awarded for outstanding achievement in each category.
Brigadier Robert Aitken CBE said:
“These awards are not lightly given. It is a fantastic achievement and a fantastic accolade. It mainly comes down to the people who have done all the work.”
For more information about the company, please visit: http://www.airbondsplicer.com/