Urgent call for scrub bags in Bridgend County Borough

Residents of are being called upon to help make scrub bags for care workers across Bridgend County Borough.

Whether you are a seamstress or tailor by trade, enjoy sewing as a hobby or are looking for something new to have a go at, you can help!

Care workers require scrub bags to change out of their clothes when they get home and put them in the wash without potentially passing anything on to members of their household. They are simple to make and can even be put together using old pillowcases, curtains and clothes.

The drawstring fastener allows key workers to bag up their clothes and put the entire thing in the washing machine, keeping them separate from other laundry. The ideal dimensions for scrub bags are 17.5 x 21.5 inches.

Joanne, a key worker from the council’s homecare mobile response team said:

“I think they are marvellous! They can go straight in the washing machine and the handle ensures everything stays in the bag.

“They are quick to dry and very convenient to use. We could do with more across the team, so we are grateful to anyone who can supply them.”

 The Leader, Cllr Huw David, said:

“Our frontline staff are caring for people both at home and in residential care homes. They are doing all they can to protect themselves and residents from falling ill, and these scrub bags will help them to carry their work clothes safely between their homes and places of work.

“If you are able to use your sewing skills to help our frontline staff, we will appreciate any assistance you can provide.”

If you can help in any way, please contact the council by emailing Covid19@bridgend.gov.uk