Number of mourners allowed at funerals to increase

Coychurch Crematorium, Bridgend County Borough Council
From Tuesday, September 1, the number of mourners permitted to attend funeral services at Coychurch Crematorium and council-maintained cemeteries in the county borough will increase from 20 to 30.
Bridgend County Borough Council imposed restrictions on the number of mourners in line with guidelines across the UK at the end of March to prevent the spread of coronavirus between mourners, clergy, funeral directors and crematorium staff.
Cabinet member for communities Richard Young said: “From the very beginning we have had these restrictions under constant review, being all too aware of how difficult they have been for some families and friends at such an upsetting time.
“At the end of June, the number of mourners was increased from 10 to 20, and this latest increase up to 30 follows national guidance by supporting the continued protection of the public and the ongoing effort to slow the spread of the virus. It also ensures bereavement services can safely continue to provide families with a dignified funeral service.”
Up to a total of 30 mourners will also be able to attend a graveside funeral service as long as social distancing measures are strictly observed throughout the open air ceremony.
Cllr Young said: “I would urge all those attending funerals not to breach any of the social distancing guidelines which are there to keep everyone safe. Please do not attend services at the crematorium or cemeteries if you are not one of the 30 invited mourners. It is vital we stick to the rules to ensure we don’t have to go back to tighter restrictions.”