Award-winning road safety innovation company, Road Safety Design, is gaining global notoriety thanks to a series of trade missions, international distributor networks and new products.

Born out of a near fatal accident involving Penarth-based managing director, Stephen Wornham, the Welsh business launched its first product, BriteAngle, in April 2018.

Manufactured in South Wales, the high-intensity LED warning triangle has been designed to be more visible, more reliable and therefore much safer than traditional reflective warning triangles, and has paved the way for new products to help revolutionise road safety around the world.

This year, the company will release its second and third products – a warning triangle specifically designed for motorcyclists and a bracket to attach the BriteAngle to traffic cones, both of which have already attracted international interest.

Stephen Wornham, said:

“Unlike in the UK, warning triangles are a legal obligation in many parts of the world. As a result, we have already seen significant sales in countries such as France, Italy and South Africa.

“We are in the process of forming distributor networks in Iceland, Norway, Mexico and Germany, and thanks to a series of Welsh Government trade missions, we are taking our products to Sweden, Denmark and Australia this month.

Company chairman and one of Wales’ most successful businessmen, Sir Stanley Thomas OBE, said:

“It wasn’t a question of whether BriteAngle would take off, rather a question of when. Reinventing an established product was always going to be a challenge, but we are starting to see a shift in attitude towards LED road safety products. I firmly believe this is just the beginning for Stephen and the team, which is good for Welsh business and even better for road users everywhere.”