Welsh Music Fans Love Them – But Do You Know Where Yamaha Revstar Guitars Are Made?


Written by Vic Jones, Guitarist and Yamaha Revstar owner

Yamaha Revstar guitars have their own following across the world, including among Welsh music fans. Many musicians regard them as the best guitar on the market right now, but did you know how the iconic Yamaha Revstar guitar is made? 

For years, Yamaha has been giving us high-quality guitars with outstandingly beautiful sound. For example, my Yamaha C40 cost over €130 when I bought it, and it is still holding up well after more than a decade. It seems as though it will keep going for a lifetime. 

So where are these sturdy guitars made and why do we love them so much? In this article, we will be taking an in-depth look at where Yamaha guitars like the classic Revstar are made.

Where Are Yamaha Revstar Guitars Made?

While Yamaha is from Japan, the vast majority of Yamaha’s guitars are no longer being made in Japan.  All Yamaha Revstars are manufactured in Indonesia. 

Product Specifications

The new Revstar electric guitar series presents another unique design equipped with the current style to highlight the company’s remarkable update plan to the original Yamaha guitar body shape.

The new plan is the pinnacle of three years of improvement, consolidating data from different meetings and criticism from connoisseur specialists, music industry experts, and guitar fanatics from across the globe.

The Revstar joins Yamaha’s half-a-century tradition of guitar artistry with Japan’s legacy of designing greatness.

This careful design makes the Yamaha Revstar guitar the ideal model for performers operating in the many types of melodic styles.

Primary Features

The great thing about Yamaha guitars is that they have a full sound presence – reminiscent of revving a finely tuned engine motor.  

The Revstar electric guitars include precise development and pickups modeled solely for the series to create this full strong feel.

Yamaha made the new pickups to accomplish ideal execution with each model, testing more than 50 models to choose the pinnacle spec mixes. This is over and above the fact that almost all Yamaha guitars have excellent quality and design which makes them stand out from other traditional guitars.

With the Revstar design, every part and element is impeccably matched to each model’s particular personality for remarkable execution and style.

Body Shape for Maximum Comfort

The Revstar series is designed to provide a wide range of guitarists with broad stability while also being both comfortable to hold and remarkably playable. The models offer an appealing look and feel with a strong design that makes it fit for long performances.

Most people don’t know that every Yamaha guitar actually has an assortment of models for every melodic style. The Revstar series also offers an assortment of styles, each with an unmistakable personality permitting performers to pick a model that is the most ideal to their melodic style and playing character.


To sum it all up, the Yamaha Revstar series is manufactured in Indonesia and offers guitar enthusiasts the ultimate guitar models, each with its own special characteristics that will cater to different individuals of different personalities.

It is designed to provide maximum sonic power at a high quality, a comfortable body that allows guitarists to perform long sets, and an overall high-quality build for incredible durability.

It is one of those guitars that just can’t go unnoticed and its strong personality is sure to attract any player that understands high quality guitars.


Image credit: Original photograph by Marco Vurch, licensed under Creative Commons.  https://www.flickr.com/photos/160866001@N07/48719451813