The West Wales Regional Partnership Board celebrates excellence in health and social care as it launches its Award Ceremony 2022

The West Wales Regional Partnership Board’s first Award Ceremony was held at the Halliwell Centre in Carmarthen on 6th December to celebrate the achievements of health and social care staff across West Wales over the past year.


The awards were an opportunity to come together and showcase the innovation, dedication and excellence of the health and social care workforce.


The Chair of the RPB Judith Hardisty hosted the awards ceremony and said;


‘This year many services and staff have continued to be impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. The challenges for staff across health and social care have been significant in continuing to manage the increasing demands upon services at a time of great uncertainty for local communities. As a Regional Partnership Board we are incredibly proud of the staff across all areas of health and social care in West Wales who have continued to go above and beyond.

This is our first Regional Partnership Board awards and gives us an opportunity to thank staff for their incredible work and to celebrate their successes. The Regional Partnership Board work on the basis of collaboration, innovation, integration and co-production. I am delighted that our awards recognise outstanding achievements in these areas as well as supporting our workforce.’


Over 60 delegates attended including finalists to share their amazing achievements with colleagues.  Nominations were invited from all who are part of the health and social care sector in the West Wales region, including teams, groups or organisations in the public, private, voluntary or co-operative communities.


The 6 category winners and highly commended finalists were:


  • Achieving transformation through innovation award 

Winner – Day opportunities – Local Area Coordination

Highly commended – Helping Our Older Population to Stay Well at Home and Camu ‘Mlaen


  • Supporting and investing in the wellbeing of the health and social care workforce award

Winner – Social Care Workforce Health and Wellbeing Interventions

  • Integrated Care award

Winner – Integrated Targeted Care & Enablement Service

  • Team award

Winner – Working through the COVID19 pandemic Paul Sartori

Highly Commended – Pembrokeshire Supported Employment Team and Positive behavioural Support, Tir Einon Respite Service

  • User involvement

Winner – Pembrokeshire County Council LD Champions

Highly commended – Regional Improving Lives Group – Dream Team

  • Outstanding achievement award

Mark Evans, Carmarthenshire County Council

The awards also recognised and celebrated all the regional commissioning staff achieving the level 7 accredited certificate in commissioning.

The amazing Cradle Choir performed a number of songs at the event, with choir members travelling from Milford Haven and Llandelio. The Cradle Choir was created by the Welsh National Opera to encourage those living with dementia and their families and carers to attend free weekly sessions to sing a range of songs with the aim of enjoying a positive experience together through music. They delighted the delegates with their brilliant singing and performance.

The 2022 West Wales Regional Partnership Board Awards gave those working in the health and social care sector the recognition and praise they deserve whilst recognising the excellent work that’s been happening across West Wales.


Carmarthenshire County Council’s Cabinet lead for Health and Social Services, Cllr Jane Tremlett, said “I would like to congratulate all the finalists for their fantastic work within the health and social care sector.


As a council, we are grateful to all workers within the sector for their hard work and I’m pleased to see these awards recognising this.”