Swansea Mental Health Organisation Supported By Amazon Team

The team from Amazon’s fulfilment centre in Swansea has made a £1,500 donation to a mental health charity in the city.

Swansea Mind provides advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem in Swansea. The charity offers services including group counselling sessions, 1:1 counselling sessions and information and telephone support for navigating mental ill health.

The donation from Amazon Swansea will go towards providing guidance and support to those in the Swansea community who need it.

Speaking on the donation, Christopher Law, General Manager at Amazon in Swansea, said:

“Swansea Mind is a brilliant organisation supporting our community. We are pleased to lend the staff and volunteers a helping hand to reach even more people seeking guidance with this donation.”

Rhys Milsom, an employee at Amazon in Swansea who nominated the charity for support, added:

“I’m so glad we can support this great charity. Swansea Mind’s efforts to aid those experiencing a mental health problem is fantastic – the charity is a much-needed resource in the city.”

Ashlee Ryan-Rose, from Swansea Mind, added:

“Thank you, Christopher and team, for this donation. At Swansea Mind, we provide a safe space for our visitors to discuss personal experiences and share their feelings. Community support is vital to making sure we can provide continued mental health support to the people of Swansea.”

The donation to Swansea Mind was made as part of Amazon’s programme to support the communities around its operating locations across the UK.