The team at the Amazon fulfilment centre in Swansea has made a £2,000 donation to an HIV awareness and support charity.

The Terrence Higgins Trust is the UK’s leading HIV and sexual health charity. The charity’s Swansea branch is based at the YMCA on The Kingsway and offers counselling for people living with HIV.

The donation from Amazon in Swansea will go towards training new speakers to talk about lived experience of living with HIV and offer counselling and support to those experiencing HIV.

Alongside the donation, representatives from the Terrence Higgins Trust were invited to the Swansea fulfilment centre to present a ‘positive voices’ session, where they educated the Amazon team about how to break the stigma surrounding living with HIV.

During the session, the charity volunteers distributed instant HIV and STI testing kits to all in attendance. The kits provide results within 15 minutes.

Speaking on the donation and positive voices session, Christopher Law, General Manager at Amazon in Swansea, said:

“The Terrence Higgins Trust is a valuable charity doing great work in the local community and across the UK. Thank you to Philip Dehany and Eugene Lynch for hosting a powerful talk for our team – we’re so pleased to support your efforts with this donation.”

Matt Woods, an employee at Amazon in Swansea who nominated the charity for support, added:

“The Terrence Higgins Trust is doing vital work to end the stigma associated with sexual health, alongside supporting many people in Swansea living with HIV. Thanks to Amazon for recognising this great cause, and thank you to the team from the Terrence Higgins Trust for starting such a positive and open conversation about sexual health on site.”

Philip Dehany from the Terrence Higgins Trust hosted the positive voices session at Amazon in Swansea. He said:

“Thanks to the team at Amazon in Swansea for engaging with our session. The support I’ve had from the Terrence Higgins Trust over the years is incredible and I’m proud to be sharing the charity’s work with a new audience. The donation is gratefully received too.”

The donation to Terrence Higgins Trust was made as part of Amazon’s programme to support the communities around its operating locations across the UK.