Closeup of smooth female legs

Closeup of a young woman touching her smooth and hair free legs

Hair removal is an art and science of either cutting hairs from the skin surface, plucking them from roots, or damaging the hair roots with the help of laser light. The process that damages hair roots can permanently remove the hairs from all parts of the body.

In today’s world, there is a wide range of beauty devices and services at salons and spas to use light base technology to remove hairs permanently. Laser hair removal method and IPL uses laser light of different wavelengths to damage hair follicles and remove hairs forever.

What is Laser Hair Removal:

Most people think that IPL and laser treatment are the same but this is not true. There is only one similarity between them and that is the use of laser light for removing hairs permanently but there are numerous differences.

Laser hair removal treatment uses a specific wavelength of laser light that is targeted on a specific area for a specific duration. One more important thing is the use of targeted laser light that only affects melanin pigment in hair follicles. Laser light does not affect other skin and hair cells thus it is a safe and comfortable hair removal treatment.

What is IPL Hair Removal:

IPL is an Intense Pulsed Laser and it is not a true laser treatment because it uses a broad spectrum of light wavelength with dynamic multitude. It means it may not focus and target any specific cell or area. It emits a light-like camera flash that spreads all over the skin and hair area.

In most clinics, IPL technology is not used because it is less efficient and less effective.

How IPL and Laser Hair Removal Differ:

IPL and laser hair removal are similar due to their similar source of light for hair follicle killing while the type of light and technology for the delivery of laser is completely different. This is the reason for different results from similar durations and courses.

1.     Laser Light Penetration to Target Site:

IPL emits a laser light that penetrates less deeply as compared to laser machine flashes. Therefore laser hair removal is more effective as compared to IPL devices.

2.     Technology in IPL and Laser Hair Treatment:

There is a considerable difference in technology used for both IPL and laser machines. Laser machines are more powerful and deliver a specific wavelength for a specific duration that targets a specific area.

On the other hand, IPL machines emit a flash of laser light with a broad spectrum just like a camera flash that targets larger areas hence power is decreased and results are less satisfactory.

3.     Target Area:

In hair removal treatments the reach of laser light to the target area is very crucial. With a professional laser machine, laser light is absorbed in the melanin pigment of hair follicles. This light produces heat in hair follicles and it is destroyed. Therefore concentrated and direct strong beams of laser can do proper damage to hair roots.

In IPL laser light is very scattered and when it reaches the hair follicle, it becomes less effective because most of the laser heat energy is absorbed by surrounding superficial tissues. Therefore IPL light is less effective in targeting hair follicles as compared to laser machines.

4.     Safety and Compliance:

You can check out how to do IPL hair removal at different sites where IPL devices are available. Laser machine emits a strong laser beam of a specific wavelength therefore it only targets the hair follicle without interacting with surrounding tissues and does not damage them.

IPL have different wavelengths of light therefore few of them penetrate hair follicles and the remaining get absorbed into surrounding tissues causing skin burns, blister, redness, hyperpigmentation, and scarring. Therefore professional laser hair removal is more safe and compliant with patients’ needs.

5.     Duration of Treatment:

A hair growth undergoes different cycles and a laser can only destroy those hair follicles that are in the growth phase. At any given period, an effective laser beam can only destroy 25 % of hair follicles therefore 6-8 laser hair treatment sessions are required to effectively kill all hair follicles.

IPL delivers weak laser light that destroys less than 25 % of hair follicles therefore it requires 10-12 sessions to destroy all hair follicles to get smooth hair-free skin permanently.

6.     Cost of Treatment:

IPL devices are not as expensive as laser machines because laser machines are for professional use and have advanced and latest technology. Therefore you have to pay a considerable amount for every session while IPL devices are cheap and cost-effective.

After making a detailed comparison of IPL and laser hair removal treatment, it is concluded that the laser hair removal process is more professional, effective, efficient, powerful, safe, and compliant with the patient’s needs but is not cost-effective

IPL devices are less safe, less effective, and take longer duration but are cost-effective for you.