£28 million funding confirmed to repair roof and reopen wards at Princess of Wales Hospital

The Welsh Government’s Health Secretary, Jeremy Miles, has confirmed almost £28 million to repair the damaged Princess of Wales Hospital roof and re-open wards at the hospital.
Services, theatres and wards at the Bridgend hospital were relocated elsewhere in the Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board in October when the 40-year-old roof failed.
Urgent investigations revealed the roof needed to be replaced.
The Welsh Government funding will replace around 10,000 square meters of the roof – equivalent to re-roofing 166 terraced houses.
Repairs are underway, allowing essential services to return to the hospital, starting with maternity and neonatal care.
Electrical upgrades and fire safety measures are also being carried out at the same time to minimise disruption to patients and staff working at the hospital.
The roof replacement works and upgrades are expected to be completed by the summer.
Image credit: Mick Lobb / Princess of Wales Hospital – Bridgend