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A guide to Bingo calls: Numbers 61 – 80

With the ever-advancing technology and digital world we live in, Bingo has gone from a game only played in person, to now being available on virtual platforms.

Players around the globe can now grab a game of such a classic, wherever they find themselves in the world, streamed via a strong internet connection to a device of their choice.

With every game of Bingo played, you’re bound to hear a call or two – so we thought, what better time than to explore the Bingo calls of numbers 61 – 80!

Will any of these calls be heard when you next play Bingo online?

A phrase that rhymes with 61.

A phrase that rhymes with 62, as well as being slang for ‘good’ or ‘going well’ in the UK.

A phrase that rhymes with 63.

A phrase that almost rhymes with 64, but has stood the test of time and stuck.

The previous retirement age in the UK used to be 65, and marked the year you could start receiving your pension.

A phrase that not only rhymes with 66, but sounds like a train steaming down the track.

A phrase that rhymes with 67.

A phrase that rhymes with 68. When this is called, some players look at their Bingo friend.

This call refers to the fact number 69 looks the same even when turned upside down.

Some know 20 as a score. Three lots of 20 is 60, plus 10 is 70.

A phrase that rhymes with 71.

12 is also known as a dozen. Six 12s (dozens) are 72.

A phrase that rhymes with 73, whilst also paying homage to the bees found up and down the UK.

A phrase that rhymes with 74, whilst also referring to the dance scene of the UK.

A phrase that rhymes with 75.

Pays homage to the song 76 Trombones from the musical The Music Man.

Refers to the idea that two sevens look like a pair of crutches.

Refers to the British filmmaker – Alfred Hitchcock – movie, The 39 steps.

A phrase that rhymes with 79.

This refers to the fact that 80 is made up of the numbers eight and zero. Zero is another word for nothing or blank.

Now that you know a few more Bingo calls used UK Bingo halls and clubs, as well as online – will you be playing a game or two of Bingo any time soon?

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