A Safe Space in Swansea for People with Dementia

All staff at Swansea’s Quadrant Shopping Centre, have become Dementia Friends after attending an Alzheimer’s Society Cymru information session.
Ran by Alzheimer’s Society Cymru, the Dementia Friends programme aims to transform the way the nation thinks, acts, and talks about the condition.
In becoming Dementia Friends, the security, cleaning, and management team at the Quadrant, are now fully equipped to identify and support customers living with dementia.
Lisa Hartley, Quadrant Shopping Centre Manager, said: “We attract thousands of visitors daily, and it is crucial that as the largest shopping destination in the city, we make our customers feel safe and welcome. The Dementia Friends information session puts you in the shoes of shoppers with dementia and equips you with the ability to proactively identify where shoppers need extra help, such as finding a particular shop.
“The pandemic has had an even greater impact on shoppers with dementia from an anxiety and confusion perspective. The introduction of mask wearing is also unsettling to many living with the condition, which is why it is more important now than ever, to support our customers with these additional needs.”
Cheryl James, Area Manager for Alzheimer’s Society Cymru, said: “Organisations play a vital role in supporting people affected by dementia, which is why it is so encouraging to see The Quadrant take action to support some of society’s most vulnerable. There are around 50,000 people in Wales currently living with dementia, and too many of those feel misunderstood by the public. Wich is why the Dementia Friends programme is so important, so that people living with the condition can continue to live in the way they want.”
All Dementia Friends working within the Quadrant can be identified by their blue, Dementia Friends pin badge. The Quadrant is urging its shoppers to alert a member of the team if any vulnerable individuals are identified within the centre, to ensure they receive the right level of care and assistance.
For more information on Dementia Friends, please visit: https://www.dementiafriends.org.uk/