ACCA Cymru/Wales on the King’s Speech

Lloyd Powell, head of ACCA Cymru/Wales, said:
“ACCA welcomes the King’s Speech and its positive focus on growth and the importance of stability in economic policy.
“However, with so many Bills for parliament to consider, it will be important for government to think small first, ensuring that legislative changes consider the implications for the smallest businesses. The Government should focus on getting the framework right so that businesses can plan and invest to generate growth.
“We welcome the commitment to establish a new Council of the Nations and Regions to renew opportunities for the Prime Minister, heads of devolved governments and mayors of combined authorities to collaborate and to bring economic opportunities to all parts of the UK.
“Although there are announcements that will affect Wales, such as the opportunities from Great British Energy and potential investments following pension reforms, we now face a further period of uncertainty as the new First Minister is selected, and we hope that this period of tumult will not result in Wales missing out on opportunities arising from announcements and initiatives from the new UK Government.”