And they’re off! Monmouthshire’s children run for fun

More than a thousand Monmouthshire children donned their trainers and sports gear last month to take part in a week of sporting fun. The Cross Country 2022 sporting event brought together 27 local primary schools from across the county. Children showed the grown-ups how it’s done with fantastic sportsmanship, encouragement and teamwork throughout each event.
The Cross Country 2022 programme, organised by MonLife, was especially for primary school children between the ages of seven and 10. The chance to take part in a range of sports, races and runs, was an opportunity too good to miss. So much so, that 90% of all primary schools in Monmouthshire took part. When it comes to fitness and well-being, Monmouthshire’s children are certainly leading the way.
Cllr. Sara Burch, Cabinet Member for Inclusive and Active Communities said: “I am so impressed at the support given by teachers, pupils and families to the recent Cross Country programme of events. It’s fantastic that 27 primary schools in the county got involved. Hopefully these youngsters have now got a taste for sport and for running. Who knows, maybe some of them will be professional athletics stars of the future. In becoming more active, they’re already on the right track.”
The far-reaching Cross Country event – the first since the pandemic – gave a fantastic opportunity to meet new people and most importantly have fun. One parent who attended said: “I just wanted to say that the Cross Country event this morning was brilliant and my daughter really enjoyed it. She wants to sign us up for the junior park run now!”
If you missed the week of fun, it’s not too late to get involved. Junior Parkruns are held in Dixton (Monmouth), Bailey Park (Abergavenny) and in Rogiet, so get those trainers on and head along. For more information regarding primary school festivals or details of your local parkrun please email