An appeal has been made to help reduce the impact of litter on work to protect an endangered mammal at a Rhyl nature reserve.

Denbighshire County Council’s Countryside Service is urging people and drivers using the paths and roads around Brickfield Pond Nature Reserve to be responsible when disposing personal litter to help protect ongoing conservation work at the site.

The appeal has been made as Countryside rangers continue to work on developing habitat at the nature reserve to support water voles.

Water voles are currently listed as endangered on the Great Britain Red List for Mammals. They can be found at areas including along rivers, streams and ditches and around ponds and lakes, making Brickfield Pond a suitable environment for them.

An area has been developed for water vole habitats near a newly regenerated community orchard at the south east side of the nature reserve by rangers and volunteers.

Work is also progressing now on the west side of the reserve near Coleg Llandrillo Rhyl to open up another habitat to support the endangered species.

Countryside rangers are now working to reduce the amount of litter in the park which can be a danger to water voles and also other animals in the are

Ranger Vitor Evora explained: “The main issue we have around the pond is the litter as that will affect the water vole population. It can come from the other side of the fence as we have the road there, there is plenty of people walking by and even the wind can bring the litter into the pond.

“It will affect the water vole population as it will pollute the water, even small bottles they can get into and even drown or eventually die of thirst. So we are asking the public to be mindful of their own litter when they can and use the facilities that surround the pond to dispose of any safely.”

The rangers are continuing to carry out litter picks around the pond every two days, aiming to also target busier footfall times at the reserve as well.

Cllr Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport, said: “Our rangers and volunteers are working really hard around this Rhyl gem to improve the environment both for the well-being of animals and people who visit.

“The work to protect and support water voles is a vital part of how we are trying to stop the decline in our local biodiversity and I would ask those visiting, walking or driving nearby the nature reserve to be really mindful when disposing of litter to give these red listed mammals and other animals a chance to thrive in this great area.”