Are you retirement ready? Simple tips to help make the transition easier

Retirement is an exciting stage of anyone’s life. From the first day we start working as adults, it becomes a goal and something we can look forward to after years of hard work and dedication. Planning for your retirement as young as possible is always the best approach, as the sooner you start to plan, the more time you have to save and ensure everything is in place before you reach that magic number.
But, as with all of life’s milestones, there are usually bumps in the road. Reaching retirement isn’t as easy as walking off into the sunset with your state pension and personal contributions in hand. For some, the loss of identity, the fear of boredom and even a loss of your own personal value can hit hard, taking the shine away from your hard-earned golden years.
Ensuring that you’re retirement ready and taking positive steps to make the transition into retirement easier, is always the best approach. Read on to find out more.
Plan your financial future
If you have the right criteria, you’ll be eligible for a state pension, however even when combined with workplace pension contributions it may not leave you with much to retire on. Taking control of your financial future with private pensions will ensure you can fund the retirement you deserve, giving you more confidence and time to enjoy your money. Check out for more information on how you can plan your financial future and enter your retirement with confidence.
These days, many retired people also think about equity release, giving them funds to help grandchildren get started on the property ladder, or enjoy retirement.
Know what you want
Retirement means different things for different people. While some individuals relish the idea of retiring overseas, others want to stay closer to home and spend time with their grandchildren. Some take their retirement as an opportunity to become their own boss and start their own business. Take some time to consider what you want your retirement to look like. Then, take a closer look at your pension funds and decide if you need to make any changes to your contributions. The more you know and plan ahead, the better you’ll feel.
Stay connected
For many, their place of work is a hive of social activity. It’s where they meet, chat and have meaningful relationships. Therefore, the idea of retiring and leaving all this behind can feel daunting, if not depressing. No one should feel lonely during their retirement, so continue to stay connected as your retirement edges closer. Get used to meeting friends and colleagues outside of work so it becomes the norm and keep your friendships alive.
Think about your partner
If you have a partner, then it’s important to include them in your retirement plans! If they haven’t yet retired or are a few years away from their own retirement, then this new dynamic could take a little getting used to! Remember to be patient and supportive and be mindful of the fact that while you want to do things and fill your time, they’re still working and earning a living.
Final thoughts…
Transitioning to retirement can feel daunting, but having the right attitude and knowledge in place can help make the change easier and ensure you enjoy every moment.