Are you taking down your Christmas decorations soon?

conwy council

Real’ Christmas trees are 100% recyclable. If you have a garden waste collection subscription with Bryson Recycling, they will collect your real tree with either of your collections in January.

If you don’t have a subscription, you can take your tree to one of our Household Recycling Centres. You can also shred and compost your tree at home.

Please take any unwanted plastic Christmas trees, with or without embedded lights, to your local recycling centre.

Wrapping paper – if it doesn’t have glitter or foil, it can usually be recycled in your top box. Take off any sticky tape, ribbons and bows first. Use the wrapping paper “scrunch test” – if you scrunch the paper in your hand and it stays in a ball, it can be put into the recycling.

Christmas cards – Tear off ribbons or sections of glitter and then put the cards in with the paper recycling. Batteries from musical cards can go in your battery bag.

Christmas tree lights and electronic toys can be recycled in your pink bag.

Wreaths – natural materials such as ivy, fir cones, mistletoe and holly can be composted or put in your garden waste bin, as long as they are not covered with glitter.

Packaging – remove all plastic or polystyrene packing from inside boxes before you recycle them. Flatten your boxes before you put them out. If you have a lot of cardboard, put it out over a few weeks. Can’t wait? Use the Household Recycling Centres for free.

Find out more about what can and can’t be recycled at: Recycling and Waste – Conwy County Borough Council