Avian Flu – All captive birds to be kept indoors in Wales

Following incidents of avian flu in wild birds in Wales, anyone who keeps poultry or other captive birds must house them indoors from Monday, December 14 and keep a close watch on them for any signs of disease.
This follows the introduction of an All Wales Avian Influenza Prevention Zone in November and is in line with action to prevent the further spread of the disease across the UK.
This requirement to house birds indoors applies to birds kept as pets as well as those for commercial use.
Housing birds indoors will not reduce the risk of disease if it is not combined with the most stringent biosecurity practices.
As such, all keepers are advised to conduct a self-assessment of their biosecurity measures.
This will provide keepers with the evidence needed to ensure they have done all they can to meet the Prevention Zone requirements.
You can find out about the biosecurity measures you should be taking here https://gov.wales/avian-influenza
If you have any concerns about your birds please contact your vet for advice.