Bearded Dragon Diet: The Ultimate Dragons Food Guide


If we were to ask you to name the reptile that is the most popular pet right now, “bearded dragon” might not be the first thing that comes to your mind. But a recent study suggested that the bearded dragon is, in fact, a more popular pet than lizards, geckos, and even snakes.

Are you thinking about bringing a baby bearded dragon home with you so that you can see what all the hype is about? If so, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with bearded dragon care first.

More specifically, you’ll need to know what the bearded dragon diet consists of so that you’re ready to feed one. Here is a bearded dragon food chart that showcases some foods you’ll need to feed your new friend.

Fruits and Vegetables

When you’re first creating a bearded dragon diet, you should kick things off by incorporating plenty of fruits and vegetables into it. You will want to shy away from certain fruits and vegetables, including spinach, beets, avocados, and anything that’s too citrusy.

But generally speaking, bearded dragons will love fruits and vegetables like broccoli, bananas, strawberries, and most leafy greens. Their diets should consist of about 50% fruits and vegetables to keep them healthy.


While about half of a bearded dragon diet should consist of fruits and vegetables, the other half should be made up of insects. For example, dubia cockroaches are a favorite among bearded dragons.

You might want to think about buying an entire dubia roach colony for sale to guarantee you’re able to get lots of insects into your bearded dragon’s belly. They’ll eat these dubia roaches right up and love every second of it.

Commercial Bearded Dragon Food

Once upon a time, the idea of walking into a pet store and purchasing commercial bearded dragon food would have been laughable. Since bearded dragons weren’t all that popular among pet owners, they didn’t carry this kind of food.

But now that lots of people own bearded dragons, you should be able to find at least a few options when it comes to commercial bearded dragon food. This type of food will get all the nutrients that your bearded dragon needs into its system.

You should still work some fruits and vegetables, and insects into the mix for your bearded dragon. But commercial bearded dragon food will work when you don’t have the extra time it can take to prepare meals for your pet.

Create the Perfect Bearded Dragon Diet for Your New Pet

You shouldn’t welcome a bearded dragon into your life until you’re 100% ready to care for it. That will include educating yourself on the typical bearded dragon diet.

Now that you know a little more about what bearded dragons like to eat, you should be ready to start feeding one. Make sure you keep lots of food on hand for your bearded dragon so that it can grow big and strong.

Look for more pet-related tips by reading through more of our other blog articles.