Better connectivity helps South Wales couple tie the knot while under pandemic restrictions

One of the UK’s largest rural broadband specialists has stepped into save the day and helped ensure the rural wedding of a South Wales couple could be streamed to loved ones.

Voneus, which has an office in Carmarthenshire, installed a temporary Wi-Fi booster on the farm of customer Delyth Parry to allow her daughter’s wedding to be live-streamed to those who were unable to attend due to coronavirus restrictions.

Due to the Government’s Covid guidelines, a maximum of 30 people could be invited to the wedding of Delyth’s daughter Ffion at the Parry’s farm near Brecon.

But due to poor connectivity in the rural location, family and friends would have missed out on the big day had Voneus not provided a solution.

The government-approved broadband provider constructed a temporary solution on Delyth’s farm that enabled guests to stay connected and, more importantly, allowed loved ones to attend the wedding remotely.

Customer Advisor at Voneus Vicki Williams said: “Delyth’s issue struck a chord for us; We’re all about connecting those who struggle to get access to good broadband.

“Delyth is an existing customer; we decided to show our support and provide her with an external Wi-Fi solution for free.”

The installation of the Wi-Fi solution also allowed guests who attended the wedding to arrange taxis back to the nearest town, whereas previously such an option would not have been possible given the farm’s rural location.

Delyth’s daughter and bride on the day Ffion said: “The temporary external WiFi installation gave us peace of mind knowing that family and friends with us on the day were able to stay connected to their extended family and friends who could not attend.”

Voneus customer and mother of the bride Delyth Parry said: “Voneus has been reliable from the start giving us confidence throughout the pandemic.

“In a word, I would say they are efficient.”

Voneus is the champion of rural community broadband and a leading provider of superfast and ultrafast fibre broadband for homes and businesses located in poorly connected or difficult to reach communities.

Founded in 2015 by a group of seasoned telecoms industry specialists, Voneus aims to become the UK’s number one provider of Superfast and Ultrafast fibre broadband services, bringing parity between rural areas and the UK’s towns and cities.