Bridgend Cancer Sufferer Seeks Sponsors as he plans to Wheel Four Full Marathons in Aid of Whizz-Kidz Charity

Seasoned Bridgend Fundraiser Simon Green has defied disability, cancer and massive personal health challenges to plan at least four new fundraising events for charity in 2o21.
The popular campaigner and fundraiser explains:
“Last year all races were cancelled or postponed but I did manage the Virtual London Marathon – an event I hope runs properly this year! I intend on wheeling four full marathons in September and October – and may well slip in some halfs and 10ks on the way!
Simon explains that it wasn’t only COVID-19 that restricted his fundraising last year as personal health challenges and a grim prognosis had severely curtailed his plans – he says:
“Unfortunately I was unable to do as many virtual events I had hoped last year due to undergoing chemo and radiotherapy – and receiving the news that my Brain Tumour was back and sadly inoperable.”
Simon received the devastating news last June that he had 2 years to live – however so far, Simon is keeping as well he can be and defying the odds. He says:
“Right now I’m feeling fit and strong – and this year, like last I am raising money for Whizz- Kidz, an excellent charity that does so much for disabled children and young adults.
“I will soon be getting the Whizz-Kidz jersey, if there are any businesses out there willing to sponsor me I will put names and logos on top and happily wear it in every race – so far the Southampton, London, Manchester and Newport (South Wales) Marathons but I hope there will be more.”
“I expect to get plenty of coverage, logos will be shown and there will be plenty of photos – so if your business can offer sponsorship I will proudly wear your name or logo – and it’s for a fantastic cause.
“Whizz Kidz are an excellent charity who help disabled kids and youngsters get the right wheelchairs they need and have brilliant days out. As a wheelchair user myself I know what having the right chair means but many dont as they cost thousands. I have thankfully proved medics wrong once again – help me raise lots for a great organisation, and raise your profile at the same time!”
Both individuals and businesses are able to sponsor Simon via his fundraising page: