YSGOL Gymraeg Brynsierfel in Llanelli has been awarded Intermediate level of the British Council’s prestigious International School Award in recognition of its work to bring the world into the classroom.

The International School Award celebrates the achievements of schools that do exceptional work in international education. Fostering an international dimension in the curriculum is at the heart of the British Council’s work with schools, so that young people gain the cultural understanding and skills they need for life and work in today’s world.

Ysgol Brynsierfel’s international work includes participating in the Walk the Global Walk project, undertaking the ‘Stepping Out to Lesotho’ challenge, sharing activities with a partner school, Loti, in Lesotho, South Africa, learning about life in Loti school and comparing it with life here in Wales, focusing on the Global Goal of ‘Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions’ by designing and creating a Peace Garden named ‘Hafan Heddychlon’ (‘Peaceful Place’) and planting trees in Wales and Lesotho.

Headteacher Jayne Davies said: “I wish to thank Zoe Jermin-Jones (assistant headteacher), Sophie Harding (eco school co-ordinator), the Global Goalkeepers and volunteers for their drive and determination in bringing this project to fruition. As a school we are all delighted to receive this prestigious International School Award, recognizing our passion for tackling climate change on both a local and international level.”

John Rolfe MBE, Schools Outreach Manager at the British Council, said: “Ysgol Gymraeg Brynsierfel’s international work has earned the school well-deserved recognition with the British Council International School Award’s Intermediate certificate.

“We are proud and delighted to work with this great school. Many thanks to everyone for all their commitment to developing international work and sharing excellent classroom practice and resources. This is enriching education for its pupils; and their excellent collaborative projects with partner schools overseas are bringing the world into their classrooms. International work is key support for the development of skills young people need to be the globally aware citizens of the future.

“Embedding an international ethos across a school can lead to accreditation with our Full International School Award and schools looking to join this supporting and engaging global network should contact us at the British Council”.

The award is now available worldwide in countries such as India, Greece, Egypt, Lebanon, Nigeria, and Pakistan. Around 6,000 International School Awards have been presented to successful schools in the UK since the scheme began in 1999.

The International School Award encourages and supports schools to develop:

• An international ethos embedded throughout the school

• A whole school approach to international work

• Collaborative curriculum-based work with a number of partner schools

• Year-round international activity

• Involvement of the wider community

Carmarthenshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Education and Welsh Language Cllr Glynog Davies said: “It has never been so important for our young people to understand the big issues that shape our world, and this award acknowledges the excellent work that is being carried out at Ysgol Brynsierfel to provide pupils with the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to make a positive contribution to society, and to promote and encourage respect for diversity.

“The award also recognises the outstanding work that is being carried out by the school to tackle climate change. Congratulations on this prestigious award.”