Stress in the workplace has become commonplace, with many employees confessing to having experienced it while at work. These problems include work-life conflict, stress, anxiety, depression and burnout. These are issues that organisations cannot afford to ignore. In this article, we look at the strategies that can be employed to create a powerful and effective workforce that will help organisations stay successful.


Fostering mental health awareness

Mental health has recently come to the forefront of discussions in the workplace as many organisations have realised the implications it has on employees. It is important to pay special attention to mental health in the workplace in order to have a more stable workforce. In this regard, it is crucial to note the function of programmes such as Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs). These programmes offer help and advice to workers who face diverse issues in their personal or professional activities. These programmes provide counselling services, stress management resources and other amenities that allow employees to overcome obstacles.

There is also a transparent environment in which team members can voice their concerns without fear of being dismissed or penalised. These employees can also be encouraged to request assistance when needed and also be provided with tools that improve their psychological wellbeing.


Promoting a drug-free workplace

Organisations require a drug-free environment to reduce risks and accidents, increase productivity and maintain the organisational culture. By implementing these policies, employers are able to create a culture that improves the health of the workers and reduces the effects of substance use and dependency. Measures regarding substance use should be clearly outlined so that workers understand the acceptable and prohibited behaviour. These should include guidelines on alcohol and drug use inside and outside the workplace and reporting processes where abuse is suspected. Apart from policy implementation, most organisations include education programmes and support services such as treatment for their employees with substance abuse problems. There are companies such as Matrix Diagnostics that offer workplace drug testing kits for drug-free workplace programmes. These tools can act as a deterrent and prevent problems from turning into serious ones.


Incorporating local support resources

Linking employees to local support services is important in boosting organisational efforts to put together a strong workforce. Through such services, the business offers its staff not only internal support but also extended support from community-based services. Local resources could be mental health clinics, substance use treatment centres, self-help groups or hotlines. These services provide specialised knowledge and can be especially helpful for employees experiencing issues. Another option is to develop a directory of local resources for the company and make it available to all personnel. This could include phone numbers and addresses for counselling services, rehabilitation centres and community support groups. A few go as far as associating their companies with local organisations, which leads to having a unique programme or special rights for the employees.


A resilient and reliable workforce

It is necessary for organisations to invest in mental health education and community services to develop a strong workforce. These strategies enhance the health of the employees, performance and retention rates within the company. A workplace needs assessment should be organised and then specific programmes should be developed. Overall, strengthening workforce resilience is vital for organisations to achieve success.