Business Wales to host Free Live Tender Webinars – 27 February

On Tuesday, 27 February, Business Wales will be delivering two, identical, free Live Tender Webinars specifically for businesses tendering for Carmarthenshire County Council’s Property Works Framework.
The County Council is inviting businesses that specialise in property and associated works to tender for its new Property Works Framework. Advice and guidance on how to access the e-tender and submitting a bid will be made available by Business Wales, through these Live Tender Webinars.
The webinars will take place at 11am and 2pm, registration is essential in order to reserve a place on the webinar. To register for one of the timeslots, please contact Business Wales on 01656 868500 or email
Carmarthenshire County Council wishes to appoint suitably qualified contractors to provide property, maintenance, adaptations, building improvements and other associated works required for its housing and non-housing property portfolio.
The Framework will include a range of value-banded and geographical lots for property works on housing and commercial properties ranging from responsive and small building works, planned works up to £150k, planned works over £150k, voids, adaptations, electrical, roofing, flooring, fencing and trade-specific lots.
A key addition to the new Framework is the inclusion of ‘trade-specific’ lots for smaller contractors specialising in trades such as carpentry, bricklaying, rendering, painting and decorating, door and window installation, property cleaning and clearance and shed installation.
The Property Works Framework tender is now live and the deadline for tender submissions is 25 March 2024.
Help is at hand for small and medium businesses to bid for a place on the Framework. Please visit the Business Wales website for further information – Supporting businesses in Wales | Business Wales
Carmarthenshire County Council’s Cabinet Member with responsibility for procurement and frameworks, Cllr Alun Lenny said: “Our property works framework presents a big opportunity for businesses that specialise in property and associated works to gain property, maintenance, adaptations and building improvements contracts with the County Council.
“As a Council, it was important for us to include a ‘trade-specific’ lot within the Framework, as we want to encourage local, small and medium, businesses to apply for the framework as the money we will invest in infrastructure over the next three years would then penetrate deeper into the local economy.”
For further details of the Framework and how to access the tender and associated documents as well as submit a bid, please see the Contract Notice on the Sell2Wales website.