Caerphilly Food Poverty Grant open to applications

Voluntary groups in the Caerphilly county borough are now able to apply for funding to support food related community projects.
Caerphilly County Borough Council has received funding from Welsh Government and the Welsh Local Government Association to provide local groups with Food Poverty Grants for a second year.
Capital and revenue funding is available for projects to support the increased number of people facing food poverty. Capital funding can be used to support organisations in accessing, storing and distributing food; this could include the purchase of fridges, freezers and cooking equipment.
Revenue funding could be used in a variety of ways, including the development of projects such as community cafes, healthy cooking classes and luncheon clubs. It could also be used for initiatives like outreach work and training for volunteers.
For more information and to find out whether your group is eligible contact the Council’s Caerphilly Cares team by emailing or calling 01443 811490.
Source: Caerphilly – Caerphilly Food Poverty Grant open to applications