Caerphilly Keys Pioneering Housing Scheme Relaunched

The innovative Caerphilly Keys housing initiative has been revamped to provide even greater advantages for private landlords.
Launched by Caerphilly County Borough Council in 2018, the program has steadily evolved and gained momentum over the years. With additional support from the Welsh Government, the Council has now extended the scheme to introduce ‘Caerphilly Keys Leasing.’
This expanded program aims to connect private landlords with suitable tenants while offering housing solutions for individuals at risk of homelessness.
Benefits for landlords include:
- Hassle free guaranteed monthly rental income
- No commission
- No empty property costs
- No arrears
- Full management of the property and tenant for the term of the lease (5 years)
- Grants to carry out property improvements and increase energy efficiency
- Tailored tenancy management and ongoing housing support provided to all tenants from the Council’s experienced staff
Cllr Shayne Cook, Cabinet Member for Housing at Caerphilly Council, said “Caerphilly Keys was a groundbreaking project and the first of its kind for a Welsh Council. We’re taking the successes and learning from the original scheme and enhancing it, thanks to Welsh Government’s Leasing Scheme Wales.
“I urge landlords with properties in the Caerphilly borough to get in touch with our dedicated Caerphilly Keys team to find out more joining and helping us find homes for those who need them.”
To find out more about Caerphilly Keys and the support available to private landlords visit, email or call 01443 873564.