Caerphilly Residents invited to have their say on Public Spaces Protection Order to ban dogs from marked sports pitches

Caerphilly County Borough Council is proposing to amend the current Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) relating to dog control to exclude dogs from all council owned marked sports/playing pitches and wants your views.
A PSPO is a measure designed to stop individuals or groups committing anti-social behaviour in a public space introduced by the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. It enables local authorities to impose restrictions to tackle nuisance and problem dog behaviour.
In 2017 Cabinet approved and adopted the Public Spaces Protection Order 2017 for a period of three years. This was subsequently extended for 1 further year in October 2020.
The new proposed Order includes the following restrictions:
- Excluding dogs from all enclosed children’s play and multi-use games areas
- Requiring dogs to be kept on leads in enclosed memorial gardens
- Requiring dog owners to remove dog faeces in public places
- Requiring dog owners to carry an appropriate receptacle for dealing with the waste that their dogs produce (that is to always have the means to pick their dog faeces)
- Requiring dog owners to put their dogs on a lead when directed to do so by an authorised officer on any public land where the dog is considered to be out of control or causing harm or distress to prevent a nuisance.
In addition to the above the Council propose to make it an offence if a person in charge of a dog takes the dog on to, or permits the dog to enter or remain on, any of the marked playing pitches/areas in appendix of the order.
Cllr Nigel George, Cabinet Member for Waste, Public Protection & Street Scene commented, “Whilst the majority of dog owners clean up after their pets, there are still a number of irresponsible owners who allow their dogs to foul in public places without clearing up after them.
As well as being extremely unpleasant for the public and users of sports pitches, there are also serious health risks linked with contaminated dog faeces.”
The online consultation is available on our website and residents have until 20 August give their views.”
Maps of sports pitches affected by proposal (PDF)
Online survey, postal survey available on request.
Source: Caerphilly – Have your say on Public Spaces Protection Order to ban dogs from marked sports pitches