Can Promoting Sustainability Be Profitable?

With the critical condition of the climate change crisis, sustainability has become a global focus. It has perhaps this month more than ever been at the forefront of everyone’s minds due to COP26 in Glasgow.
Many of us have been prompted to consider ways we can contribute to helping the fight to save our planet, but what are the other benefits of promoting sustainability in our daily lives?
In this article, we explore the advantages of adopting eco-friendly practices and the potential profitability this can provide.
Making Your Home Energy-Efficient
Sustainability within your home can have a hugely positive impact on your finances. There is a range of different ways in which you can energy-proof your household. Here are just a few ideas to get you started:
- Installing a Combi Boiler: This is one of the most energy-efficient heating systems available and can save you an average of £300 a year in bills! Not only is it faster, giving you instant access to hot water, but its simple design also makes the installation costs far cheaper as it’s easier to install within your home.
- Double glazed windows: These keep the heat in and the noise out, so if you live in a city centre or by a busy road this could be a great option for you. We understand installing new windows throughout your home can be costly, so be sure to weigh up all available financial options to make the best decision that suits your lifestyle.
- Wall insulation: It’s been proven that almost one-third of heat within homes escapes through your walls. Putting adequate wall insulation in place can save you bundles on your heating bills by retaining the heat in your home more successfully.
One of the latest new trends sweeping the nation is upcycling. Research from a UK finance provider shows there are approximately two million Google searches on this term in the UK each year, which have risen by 60% in the past 12 months.
Upcycling, also known as furniture flipping, is the process of revamping old or second-hand furniture to give it a new lease of life. This eco-friendly hobby is great for the environment as reutilising furniture prevents it from ending up in landfill.
This pastime is a great way to get creative outside of your 9-5 job and can even become a second income to those who have a knack for it. Recent data shows that the largest profit could be made from upcycling a cupboard – with estimated sales prices of £347!
Buying and Selling Second-Hand Items
Choosing to purchase pre-owned items from the likes of charity shops, second-hand furniture stores or ex-display warehouses can be a fantastic way to get pieces for a fraction of the market price.
If you’re browsing online, sites such as eBay, Facebook Marketplace and Etsy are good places to find second-hand homeware. Similarly, you can also sell unwanted items from around your home – and it’s not just furniture.
Depop and Shpock are two apps available on iPhone and Android devices where you can buy and sell second-hand clothing. This is a great way to declutter your wardrobe while making some extra cash on the side.