Cardiff man is 7000th to find work through JETS employment programme

Cardiff resident Motassim Musa had been out of work for nearly a year when he was referred to the Job Entry: Targeted Support (JETS) service last August – becoming the 7,000th jobseeker in Wales to be supported back to work through the programme.
The JETS service, delivered by Maximus, was introduced in 2020 to tackle employment challenges arising from the pandemic, and has since helped people in communities throughout Wales to learn new skills, gain work experience, engage with local employers and find jobs.
When he joined the programme, Motassim, 40, was looking for a career change – but lacked confidence and was experiencing low self-esteem.
Having worked previously in security, he was now keen to work in the construction industry, and was supported to undertake a training course to obtain the necessary qualification by his Maximus Recruitment Advisor, Claire Harrison.
Despite an unsuccessful outcome on the course, Motassim remained positive, and with Claire’s continued support, updated his CV and investigated employment options in alternative sectors.
Aware that Motassim urgently needed work to support his family, Claire suggested that Motassim reconsider security vacancies, especially as he held a valid SIA (Security Industry Authority) licence.
Following interview coaching sessions with his advisor, Motassim successfully applied for a Security Guard position with Total Security Services (TSS) Ltd, working from a local Tesco store.
Reflecting on his experience with JETS, he said: “Thanks to Claire’s help, I’m now back in work. The JETS service has helped me a lot, from my weekly calls with Claire – to the travel expenses provided just before Christmas which helped me get to and from work – I always felt cared for and supported.
“I’ve regained my confidence and I am so happy to be back in work providing for my family again. My employers are extremely supportive and I’m enjoying my job. Thank you.”