News from Wales

Carmarthenshire Businesses Embrace Welsh Language Learning with New Programme

To mark Shwtmae Sumae Day 2024, Carmarthenshire County Council is celebrating its groundbreaking initiative aimed at helping local businesses embrace and promote the Welsh language.

Named “Welsh for Carmarthenshire Businesses,” the initiative is a collaboration between Carmarthenshire County Council’s ARFOR programme and the National Centre for Learning Welsh’s Work Welsh programme. Welsh for Carmarthenshire Businesses is a vital step in ensuring that the Welsh language continues to thrive in the heart of the county, which is home to many Welsh speakers.

Launched in Autumn 2023, the initiative is led by the Arfor programme in Carmarthenshire following engagement with local businesses to gauge their interest in Welsh language development.

The response was overwhelmingly positive, with over 23 businesses enrolling on the Welsh beginners course, which kicked off in April 2024.

The course is designed for entry-level learners, and classes are held weekly via Zoom by a tutor from Learn Welsh Ceredigion-Powys-Carmarthenshire. Participants have chosen to meet occasionally at a local café for a more collaborative learning experience, with the tutor joining them online.

Lowri, the course tutor shared some heartwarming anecdotes from the groups, explaining that “The class stays connected via WhatsApp and by now they’re friends.” highlighting the close bond formed between the group. “The business group is fantastic to teach, full of fun and jokes,” Lowri remarked, expressing her joy in watching the learners grow more confident. “They enjoy speaking Welsh and understand more of the language. Brilliant.”

The course is set to conclude by the end of 2024, with many participants expressing an eagerness to continue to the next level. This innovative learning model, where businesses learn Welsh together, may be the first of its kind in Wales, and it is already showing promise for future growth.

Paul Raven, the owner of Tea Traders in Carmarthen, is one of the many enthusiastic participants. His business, located in Guildhall Square, has been part of the community since 2017. Paul enrolled on the Mynediad (Entry Level) Welsh course with the goal of improving his Welsh language skills and confidence. As a local business owner, he recognizes the importance of connecting with customers in Welsh.

“Dw i’n dysgu Cymraeg!”

Paul says proudly, which means “I’m learning Welsh!” He continues,

“We have many Welsh-speaking customers, so it’s great to be able to exchange simple greetings with them in Welsh, or to chat about the weather. I’m trying to serve customers in Welsh where I can, and our regulars are helping me build up my confidence.” 

Paul also praises the programme’s flexibility, noting that two members of his team are also learning Welsh. “The Welsh for Business programme has been just what I needed. I’ve really enjoyed attending the weekly lessons via Zoom and learning with other local business people. I’m looking forward to enrolling in the next course and would recommend it to anyone who wants to use more Welsh in their business.”

The success of the “Welsh for Carmarthenshire Businesses” programme is another initiative that has been supported by Arfor in Carmarthenshire. Arfor is a regional programme that aims to provide economic support that allows for the sustainability and growth of the Welsh language.

The initiative highlights the County Council’s commitment to keeping the Welsh language alive and thriving, not only among individuals but also within the business community. By fostering this collaboration between local businesses and Welsh language learning, Carmarthenshire is setting a strong example for other regions to follow.

Leader of Carmarthenshire County Council, Cllr Darren Price said:

“With the positive feedback and enthusiasm from participants like Paul Raven, it’s clear that this programme is just the beginning. As more businesses look to join future courses, Carmarthenshire is well on its way to becoming a leader in promoting the use of Welsh in business, ensuring the language continues to flourish for generations to come.”

If you are a business in Carmarthenshire that is looking to develop your Welsh skills or have staff in your business who would benefit from this offer, please contact

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