Carmarthenshire Council launches new Transformation Programme

Carmarthenshire County Council has launched its Transformation Programme which will change the way the authority uses many of its resources to be able to continue to provide high quality services.
The ambitious programme, which builds on the transformation work already undertaken by the authority over the last 10 years, was approved by Cabinet Members today (February 13).
The programme will outline how the authority plans to move forward to provide more value and benefits to residents and businesses in the county and will also aim to further accelerate the process of modernisation across the council, allowing it to deliver high quality, cost-effective services in a challenging environment.
Over the next five years, the programme will further invest in the authority’s staff, buildings and technology to create more modern working practices and speed up process.
Amongst the priorities included within the programme are: to develop a commercial strategy for the organisation; implement a range of projects designed to modernise processes, improve productivity and reduce paper, printing and postage; further rationalise the Council’s accommodation portfolio and modernise and improve the working environment within the remaining core buildings and continue to support schools in identifying potential efficiencies and smarter ways of working.
The Transformation Programme will feed into the council’s new Corporate Strategy – the council’s vision for the next five years under the new administration – which was also today ratified by Cabinet Members. The Corporate Strategy will now go to Full Council for final approval on March 1, 2023.
Cllr Philip Hughes, cabinet member with responsibility for organisation and workforce said: “I welcome this Transformation Programme, which will help the way we run and work, ensuring we continue to be forward-thinking and improve and modernise our services, not just for residents and businesses in the county but also our staff.”
Further information about the council’s Transformation Programme can be found on the council’s website