Carmarthenshire Council to host online landlord’s forum

LANDLORDS with homes in Carmarthenshire, or those thinking of renting out properties in the county, are being offered the chance to hear about the support offered by Carmarthenshire County Council’s housing team, as well as finding out about new legislation coming into force later this year.
The council is hosting an online landlord’s forum on Thursday, February 17, and those interested are encouraged to register in advance.
The event is being held via Zoom between 6-7.30pm and is free to attend.
Guests will hear from Cllr Linda Evans, Carmarthenshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing, who will give an overview of the range services offered by the council to support landlords and the high demand for quality affordable homes – including options to enter into long-term lease agreements through the council’s in-house lettings agency.
A representative of the National Residential Landlords Association will also be present to give a rundown on new legislation under the Renting Homes Act, and Rent Smart Wales will give an update on licencing and re-registration.
David Crane, Chairman of Carmarthenshire Landlords Forum, will open and close the event.
There will also be opportunity for landlords and potential landlords to ask questions.
Increasing the availability and quality of private rented homes is one of the keys aims of Carmarthenshire County Council’s affordable housing plan, and a dedicated team of officers work to support landlords and people who own empty homes in Carmarthenshire.
One of the council’s most successful schemes is its in-house lettings agency, Simple Lettings, which offers a range of letting management and leasing options to people who own or develop properties.
It includes incentives to owners in areas of high housing need, and those who own the type of properties in highest demand from people on the council’s housing register.
Amongst the packages offered is a long-term lease, which sees the council effectively taking ownership of empty homes to bring up to standard and available to local people at an affordable rent.
Cllr Linda Evans, the council’s Cabinet Member for Housing, said demand for affordable housing is at an all-time high, and is calling for owners to work with the council to bring more homes into use in the private rented market.
“We have thousands of people in need of affordable housing in Carmarthenshire,” she said.
“We want to bring more empty homes back into use, to provide quality affordable housing for local people and families who need them.
“We are ready to help, support and guide landlords, developers, and people who may have inherited property and do not know what they want to do with it.
“We’ll be talking people through all the options available at our online landlord’s forum, as well as giving people the chance to hear from representatives of the National Residential Landlords Association and Rent Smart Wales about new legislation and licensing requirements.
“Please join us – we hope it will be a valuable and informative event for all.”
To reserve a place, email or call 01267 228661.
Find out more about services and support for landlords, including information about Simple Lettings, at