Carmarthenshire County Council gains Ministry of Defence Silver ERS Award

28.09.23 Silver ERS Awards, HMS Cambria Picture by Nick Treharne
Carmarthenshire County Council has received a prestigious award for its support to the Armed Forces Community.
The authority is one of only 17 Welsh employers to receive the Silver Employer Recognition Scheme (ERS) award this year.
The scheme has three levels, Bronze, Silver and Gold for organisations that pledge, demonstrate and advocate support for Defence and the Armed Forces community.
In July 2022 Carmarthenshire County Council reaffirmed its commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant by re-signing the covenant, which is a pledge to the Armed Forces Community and their families that they will be given respect and fairness. In the same year it was awarded the Bronze Award of the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme.
To achieve Silver accreditation, organisations must proactively demonstrate that the Armed Forces community are not unfairly disadvantaged as part of their recruitment policies. They must also actively ensure their workforce is aware of their positive policies towards defence people issues for reservists, veterans, cadet force adult volunteers, and spouses and partners of those serving in the armed forces.
Carmarthenshire County Council recognises the knowledge skills and experience that veterans and members of the wider armed forces community provide. The recruitment team proactively work with the Armed Forces Covenant Liaison Officer, the Poppy Factory and The Forces Employment Charity to access armed forces employment pool to share relevant job opportunities.
Cllr. Philip Hughes, Cabinet Member for Organisation and Workforce, and Armed Forces Champion said: “As a Council, we recognise the important contribution of serving members of the armed forces, veterans, reservists, and their families and the value that they bring to our communities and businesses.
“We are very proud to employ members of the armed forces community and achieving the silver level of the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme is only the next step in our efforts to support the armed forces community. We will also, in the very near future, be in a position to offer the guaranteed interview scheme to applicants from the armed forces community that wish to join our workforce in the future.”
Hayley Edwards the Armed Forces Covenant Liaison Officer said: “Receiving the Silver Award validates the positive support that we have in Carmarthenshire County Council for our Armed Forces Community. It also serves to highlight the progressive work that our Human Resources team has undertaken to ensure that we are an armed forces friendly employer. There is still more to do, however, and our next step is to work towards the Gold Award.”
Pictured: Carmarthenshire County Council’s Assistant Chief Executive Officer, Paul Thomas and Armed Forces Covenant Liaison Officer, Hayley Edwards receive the Silver Employer Recognition Scheme Award.