Celebrating the very best of South Wales – Blue Light Discount, Staycation Prizes and Charity Donations

As the nation emerges out of Lockdown, 57 Tyres is using the newfound freedom to celebrate the very best of South Wales in partnership with Maxxis Tyres UK.
Maxxis Tyres UK have recently launched their new community initiative programme, Make an Impact with Maxxis, which recognises and rewards individuals who have stepped up during the pandemic. As an official Maxxis Dealer, 57 Tyres are proud to give back to their local community with a series of incredible initiatives for the remainder of 2021.
May marks the launch of the Make an Impact with Maxxis Local Hero initiative. As a thank you to people in the community that went the extra mile during these challenging times, 57 Tyres are encouraging you to nominate a Lockdown Hero for a chance to win one of fifteen well-earned Staycation Breaks*. Simply visit the Maxxis Facebook page, find the Nominate a Local Hero post and tag your Lockdown Hero in the comments before 31st May 2021.
57 Tyres will also be offering Blue Light Discount! Members of the Emergency Services, NHS and Social Care sector can claim up to £40 cashback when they purchase four Maxxis tyres in May 2021*. For more information and to claim Blue Light Discount, please visit https://www.maxxis.co.uk/blue-light
June is dedicated to celebrating the local high street and supporting local charities with the ‘Snap, Tag and Donate’ initiative. Working together in a community scavenger hunt, residents can find stickers proudly displayed in local businesses windows. Snap a photo of the sticker, upload the image to Facebook, Tag #MaxxisUK #makeanimpactwithmaxxis #Charitynomination and nominate a local charity and Maxxis will donate £5 for every tag*.
Follow 57 Tyres Facebook page for the latest information and to be the first to hear about the brand-new initiatives taking place every month, https://www.facebook.com/57tyres
To learn more visit https://www.57tyres.co.uk/ or speak to the team of tyre experts at their Bridgend or Newport garages.
*Terms and Conditions Apply