Charity appeals for help to keep two play therapists supporting Swansea’s most disadvantaged children.

Swansea charity Faith in Families has launched a Crowdfunder campaign to save the jobs of two play therapists working with children suffering the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) such as abuse and neglect.

Faith in Families works in deprived communities in Swansea, providing family support through its Community Cwtch centres in Bonymaen, Clase and Portmead.

As part of this, the charity’s team of play therapists support over 500 children each week, helping them to be brave and understand their emotions.

“Children who have experienced often multiple ACEs and are struggling with big emotions such as anger and anxiety, which is often displayed in unwanted behaviours meaning that they find life in general difficult,” said the charity’s CEO Cherrie Bija. “They have few opportunities to develop social skills, are unable to control emotions, and have limited positive relationships. They at times feel hopeless, and this is increasing as the cost-of-living crisis plummets them into greater destitution.”

The charity’s Children in Need funding is about to come to an end, meaning it will lose two of its play therapists. A knock-on effect will be that 100 children a week go unsupported.

“This will really impact the reach we can have, at a time when children’s mental health is being impacted tremendously and the demand for this work increases,” says Cherrie.

To ensure it reaches children facing the most traumatic circumstances, The Faith in Families play therapy program is provided for free. Some 98% of children state they feel more confident after going through the program, and 96% say they can now talk about their worries. Additionally, 92% of children state they have learnt ways to control their anger and emotions.”

“Our team are not only dedicated but motivated to improve the lives of children, young people, and families within our communities,” says Bija. “We want to see children thrive, families grow, and young people develop into happy adults. We know that we cannot always change the circumstances in which children are living but we can change how they can respond to what is happening in their lives.”

The charity’s Crowdfunder campaign runs until March 15 and hopes to raise £20,000.

One of its supporters is the Mortgage Advice Bureau Foundation, which has pledged to match fund £5,000 through its own fundraising page.

Richard Hullin, Owner Director of Mortgage Advice Bureau Swansea said:

“We’ve selected Faith in Families as our charity of the year because we wanted to support families. We realise there’s a cost-of-living crisis and many of our staff are keen to do what they can to generate more funds for the families that need it in communities close to our own.

“We have lots of fundraising activities planned throughout the year and we wanted to start off by helping Faith in Families raise the funds it needs to keep these two play therapists. Their work is essential for some of Swansea’s most disadvantaged children so it’s vital to ensure it continues.”

You can support the campaign here:

Or here:—faith-in-families-1