Charity launches campaign to celebrate and support hard work of local hospice nurses

City Hospice has launched an innovative new fundraising initiative to enable people to specifically support the day-to-day work of their 14 nurses.
The ‘Donate a Day’ campaign has been inspired by the increased need for palliative care that the charity has experienced over the last few years. In 2018/2019 alone, City Hospice catered for 90 new patients every month and around 3,100 people visited the hospice and utilised services throughout the year.
City Hospice is Cardiff’s local hospice, looking after people with incurable and life limiting conditions, such as Cancer, Dementia, Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
To meet the increasing need for hospice care, the charity has launched their new fundraising project in the hope that donors will find new, fun ways of raising money to provide nursing care 365 days a year. £150 pays for a day of nursing care for patients with life-limiting illnesses, making a big difference to the lives of patients and their families.
Supporters can select to sponsor for a hospice nurse on a date that’s meaningful to them helping the charity cover the essential cost of their 14 nurses. Keen contributors who raise over £150 can cover multiple dates of hospice care.
As well as medical support, nursing and end of life care, City Hospice also offers day therapy activities for patients and carers, as well as counselling, bereavement coffee mornings and children’s bereavement groups.
Liz Andrews, Chief Executive at City Hospice, said:
The charity was built on the generous goodwill of local people over 35 years ago and has been thriving ever since. From fun runs and bake sales to skydiving, we have seen incredible charity events organised by local people.
Our team of nurses and counsellors provide an essential service to those who need it most. By maintaining the best quality of life, nurses ensure patients and their families have the chance to create lasting memories, which are special to them. With the Donate a Day campaign we hope to encourage people of all ages to join in and fund a day of our City Hospice nurses’ time.”
As donations have already started coming in, over 30 people came to City Hospice to celebrate the hard work of the hospice nurses and find out more about Donate A Day earlier this summer. Amongst the visitors were Welsh television presenter Siân Lloyd and Sir Norman Lloyd-Edwards.
Organisers have set a target of £55,000 to raise throughout the year, which will help pay for over 365 days of nursing care, delivered at their centre in Whitchurch and within people’s own homes.
City Hospice, formerly known as George Thomas Hospice Care, is Cardiff’s local hospice and cares for patients and families across the city who have been diagnosed with cancer or a life limiting condition.
For more information on Donate A Day or to support a day of nursing care on a date of your choice, visit: