Cllr Julie Sangani a guest speaker at the inaugural Annual Betty Campbell Monument Lecture

Today, Cardiff Council Cabinet Member for Tackling Poverty, Equality and Public Health, Cllr Julie Sangani, was delighted to be a guest speaker at the very first Annual Betty Campbell Monument Lecture, a new addition to the Black History Month celebrations in Cardiff.
Organised in partnership between Cardiff Council, Senedd Cymru and Monumental Welsh Women, the Annual Betty Campbell Monument Lecture honours the work of Wales’s first black headteacher and champion of equality and diversity.
The lecture examines the areas of life in Cardiff, in Wales and beyond that the pioneering Butetown educator and community leader worked to improve and promote. It also marks the first anniversary of the unveiling of the Betty Campbell Monument in Cardiff.
Speaking at the event earlier today, Cllr Sangani, said: “As Cabinet member with responsibility for Equalities, I am delighted to be here today representing the Council at this first Betty Campbell Monument Lecture.
“I arrived in Cardiff in 2008, and Wales very quickly became my home.
“Moving to a new city can always prove challenging, but Cardiff gave me the warmest of welcomes.
“This was because of the multi-cultural communities of Cardiff, like Mrs. Campbell’s very own Butetown.
“I first heard of Mrs. Campbell soon after I arrived in Cardiff and, although born thousands of miles apart, I felt that Mrs Campbell and I have walked a similar journey.
“Mrs Campbell was passionate about her community. She wanted to celebrate inclusion and create a more equal society. And she wanted to make sure that children could see people who looked and sounded like her occupying positions of prominence and influence across the city.
“I hope to contribute to Mrs Campbell’s legacy by encouraging people- whatever their background- to come forward and help shape the future of Cardiff.
“I look around the room today and I see living proof that empowered women and girls can achieve their dreams. Together, let’s make sure that every single child growing up in our city, no matter the colour of their skin, is given the opportunity, the support, and the guidance to achieve their dreams too.”