College achieves 100% pass rate on top marketing course

COLEG CAMBRIA was praised by a prestigious national marketing body after students achieved a 100% pass rate.
All 12 CIM Certificate in Professional Marketing learners passed the course’s rigorous Digital Marketing module after successfully completing a work-based assignment in December.
The Chartered Institute of Marketing lauded the college – one of their accredited study centres – and even sent a letter of commendation for the ‘excellent’ results.
Among those studying on the current course are marketing officer Zoe Greenslade, from Cambrian Credit Union, and Cara Davies, a marketing officer at Wrexham-based Hoya Lens, who both agree the qualification is industry relevant and crucial in helping them to progress in their future careers.
Stephanie Littler, CIM Programme Leader and Lecturer at Coleg Cambria, praised the learners for their remarkable achievement, and said: “The CIM marketing courses are practical and give learners current, digital and offline marketing skills which make a real difference to their workplaces.
“These qualifications are sought after by many employers and are globally recognised, and I have personally found local, CIM qualified marketers earn more and have more interesting jobs than those who do not have a marketing qualification.”
She added: “With the uncertainty caused by Brexit I feel it is essential local companies have CIM qualified marketing professionals to promote their organisations cost-effectively and secure income using both digital and traditional marketing techniques.
“Funding is still available for North Wales organisations, which could receive a 50-70% discount off the course fees.”
Cara is studying for the qualification during the evenings and says the flexibility provided by Cambria is helping her to succeed.
“This course has helped me to approach campaigns like a true marketer and given me the skills to approach my work in a more strategic way.
“As I have been able to combine both education and employment, it has allowed me to reach a great point in my career at a young age.
“If I had gone to university I wouldn’t be in the position I am in now as I would only have the theoretical knowledge without the practical experience, but choosing Cambria has allowed me to have both.”
Zoe added: “When I first got into marketing I had no specific marketing qualifications and was unable to develop pro-active campaigns.
“The Level 3 CIM Foundation Certificate in Marketing initially taught me a lot of basic information that I’d never even thought of. I have learnt the importance of segmentation and adapting our marketing strategy to be relevant for our target markets.
“I have also found it useful being in a small group of other students, as they have ideas and suggestions which I have never tried.”
The college is currently recruiting to the CIM Foundation Certificate in Marketing course which will run on Tuesday evenings from April 30 to December 3 at Cambria Business School in Northop.
Prospective learners may also join the CIM Certificate in Professional Marketing and the CIM Diploma in Professional Marketing courses, starting in August and September, respectively.
Funding is available to North Wales organisations for all CIM courses at Coleg Cambria, but for a limited period only.
For more information, email or call 0300 3030007.
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