College commended for new systems focused on wellbeing of staff and learners

COLEG CAMBRIA has been commended by the Association of Colleges (AoC) for implementing a series of innovative new systems focused on the health and wellbeing of staff and learners.
The prestigious AoC Beacon Standard and Commended Status in the NOCN Group Award for Mental Health and Wellbeing is a “huge honour” for the college, says Chief Executive Yana Williams.
Cambria was praised for identifying and delivering a ‘significant increase’ in safeguarding and wellbeing referrals during the 2019/20 year – in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic – and introducing a comprehensive cross-college approach to meeting wider needs.
Ms Williams said: “Mindfulness and the health of everyone at Coleg Cambria has never been more important.
“This issue has always been at the forefront of our thinking, but the pressures and challenges of this unprecedented period have brought everyone even closer together.
“For that to be recognised by the AoC is a huge honour for us, but ultimately it is heartening that across the college we have displayed resilience and creativity in ensuring our staff and learners know there is support available.”
The development of ‘trauma-informed methodology’ as part of a wider Inclusive College Strategy, supported by specialist workers including progress coaches and an ASD mentor, was another reason for Cambria’s commendation.
As was the introduction of an online mental health, trauma and attachment training tool, a weekly vulnerable learner tracking tool, multi-sensory resources, and a bespoke wellbeing hub providing advice and guidance.
A spokesperson for the AoC said: “Congratulations to the colleges that have met the AoC Beacon Standard 2021/22.
“Assessors have recommended those applications that should be commended for their practice in each of the award categories, having demonstrated a high level of innovation, impact and sustainability.”
For more on the wide range of courses available at Coleg Cambria, visit the website:
Visit for more on the AoC Beacon Awards.