Coming Soon – Tiny Forest in Caerphilly
Climate Action Caerffili Gweithredu Hinsawdd (CACGH), a local environmental community group with funding from Welsh Government and in collaboration with CCBC are preparing to plant Tiny Forest Caerffili in Morgan Jones Park.
A Tiny Forest is a tightly planted native forest that is designed to grow up to 10 times faster than a traditionally planted forest and has many benefits for helping to mitigate the effects of climate change. Tiny Forests take up 30 times more carbon, reduce risk of flooding, reduce both noise and air pollution and greatly increase local biodiversity. For more info on Tiny Forests scan our QR code. This will be Wales’s first community-led Tiny Forest project.
Members from CACGH have been busy engaging with schools and other local groups to measure the biodiversity at the site before planting so that over time they will be able to demonstrate the benefits of the Tiny Forest. Four local schools have taken part in workshops with members from the group leading activities to identify the plant and bug life at the site. During July and August, the group also held two public engagement days where members of the public could help to record the species at the site. In all, approximately 200 people have helped CACGH to record the plant and bug life at the site this summer.
Members of the group have recently put up signs to inform local people that the Tiny Forest is coming soon. Soil improvement works will start around 20th September and the Tiny Forest will be planted soon after this. The Tiny Forest will incorporate an outdoor classroom for the use of local schools and some schoolchildren have helped in designing the shape of the Tiny Forest. Schools that have expressed an interest will be invited to help with planting. If any members of the public would like to help with planting, please get in touch with a member of CACGH.
Marianne, Chair of CACGH said, ‘We believe that Tiny Forest Caerffili will make the town more resilient to climate change and should help reduce flooding in Morgan Jones Park. It will help to improve air quality for local residents as well as being a resource for local schools and the community to use for pleasure and learning.’
to get involved email or visit Facebook and Twitter: @cacgh01