Connect Torfaen set to launch in Torfaen

Connect Torfaen is a new, bespoke social networking platform dedicated to volunteers and community groups in Torfaen.
It’s a space to help residents find opportunities to support their local community and likewise, a place for community groups and organisations to find volunteers to support their work.
Connect Torfaen aims to bring the community closer together online and offline. Residents, community groups and local organisations will have a secure space to share news and resources, network and collaborate on community initiatives and events that bring benefit to groups and the wider community.
Individuals who have a particular skill or knowledge to offer can also submit a request to receive a digital badge. Digital badges will identify trusted members of the community.
The team behind Connect Torfaen award badges against a set of criteria.
Badges can be used to show skills in areas where volunteers often need support such as IT, languages, health and wellbeing, creativity, marketing and funding with a special badge for young volunteers.
The Connect Torfaen network is being launched online on 1 July 2021 but word is out and over 80 individuals, groups and organisations have already registered and over 20 activities are listed.
Residents and community groups are now being encouraged to visit the site and join the launch event to find out what Connect Torfaen has to offer and find out how other communities across Wales are making it work for them.
The launch event will feature and online tour of the site and guest speakers from Made Open (Connect Torfaen developers), Connect Pembrokeshire and Connect RCT. To sign up to the introductory event, please visit:
Aimi Morris, Operational Executive Officer of TVA, said: “If you’re looking for a way to find local people to support your community activity, then look no further than Connect Torfaen. The platform is free for everyone to use and is a space to help people find opportunities to support their local community, and a place for community groups and organisations to find volunteers to support their work.
“Connect Torfaen is a platform built on the outstanding community response to Covid-19 when volunteers and community groups came supported each other in our moment of need to make Torfaen a better and safer place to live.”
Councillor Fiona Cross, Executive Member for Children, Families & Communities, said: “Torfaen is full of fantastic unsung heroes. Volunteers and community groups giving their time freely to run sports clubs, walking groups, support groups helping residents health and wellbeing and passionate environmentalists caring for their patch of the borough.
“Community groups rely on volunteers and the more volunteers who give just a little bit of their time the greater the impact on the communities we call home. We want Connect Torfaen to be the go-to place for Torfaen residents who are seeking out new and exciting volunteer opportunities as well as sharing and taking part in community events.”
Register with the platform today and start sharing events and opportunities you have available:
Once registered, if you require further support in populating your Connect Torfaen page, please connect with Patrick at TVA
Connect Torfaen is a joint partnership between the Torfaen Voluntary Alliance (TVA),
Torfaen Council and the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board who recognise the vital contribution volunteers make to the community and how making volunteering contributes to physical and mental wellbeing and reduces isolation.
This story first appeared here: Connect Torfaen set to launch in Torfaen | Torfaen County Borough Council