Consultation underway on national safeguarding standards

Consultation is now underway on Wales’ first ever national safeguarding training standards.
Developed in line with Wales Safeguarding Procedures, the draft standards have been designed to ensure that consistent and high-quality safeguarding training is available to all who require it in Wales.
The consultation is also intended to ensure that organisations can incorporate standards for practitioners into their safeguarding policies and procedures, that practitioners understand their relevant responsibilities, policies and procedures, and that they have access to and are in compliance with Wales Safeguarding Procedures.
Nikki Kingham, Business Manager at Cwm Taf Morgannwg Safeguarding Board, said: “The purpose of the National Safeguarding Standards is to make sure that everyone in Wales gets consistent and good quality training that is relevant to their role and responsibilities, and that we, as practitioners, can safeguard people to the best of our ability.
“To ensure they are fit for purpose, we need to hear from as wide a range of practitioners and organisations as possible, and would urge anyone with an interest to respond to the consultation.”
You can read the draft training standards document on the Social Care Wales website and have your say by completing an online survey before the deadline of 17 June 2022 and emailing it to