Consumer Expert: Five Ways To Save Money This Half-Term…That Still Add Up To Lots Of Fun

pink pig coin bank on brown wooden table

School out – and the pressure is on to fill the void with lots of things to do.

More often than not, for many parents, grandparents and carers, this comes with a hefty price tag.

But leading consumer expert Jane Hawkes says this doesn’t have to be the case

Jane, the founder of the Lady Janey consumer blog, said: “Although half term is exciting for kids, it can be a nightmare for coming up with things to do. This time of the year, when the weather is often miserable, and our bank balances are a little gloomy as well, is particularly hard. But the good news is there are things you can do to ease the strain and have fun for less.”

Here, Jane offers her five tips to have a cheaper half term without a lack of fun.


Tot up your loyalty points

Many of your favourite places to routinely eat, shop or enjoy for days out have loyalty schemes. Check your loyalty card balance—you might have enough points for free or discounted entry to popular UK attractions. Dig out login details and see what rewards you’ve accumulated and plan how to spend them as a family.


Explore free attractions

Every town and city has free attractions. Simply search online for “Free things to do in [your location]” and you’ll likely find museums, galleries, and historic sites that don’t charge admission. Local libraries and tourist information offices will also have details of free activities running over half term. In addition your local library offers so much more than just book lending. Use it also to enjoy free films, e books, classes and workshops.


Enjoy the great outdoors

The UK is full of lovely beaches, parks, and landscapes that you can explore without spending a penny. Visit a park, nature reserve or take the family on a self-guided walking tour. Pack a picnic, take a ball or frisbee for a fun, budget-friendly day out.


Try geocaching

Download the free, official Geocache app and have fun doing some modern day treasure hunting. Geocaching is where you use your phone and navigation skills to locate hidden containers (called “geocaches”) using GPS coordinates. It’s a great way to teach children about navigation while enjoying an adventurous outdoor activity together.


Play free board games online

Use the website Tabletopia to play free board games. Big Potato Games also have freebie printable versions of their board games to download on their website.

Image Source: Unsplash