Coronavirus volunteer award for student who supported village vulnerable in lockdown

A STUDENT has won an award for her kindness during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Catrin Davies, currently studying for a Level 3 in Health and Social Care at Coleg Cambria, is set to receive a COVID-19 Volunteer Award from AVOW, the Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham.
The 20 year-old, from Penycae, has been supporting the vulnerable and elderly in the village – alongside the community council – over past months.
She also created the successful Penycae Rocks Facebook group and co-founded the Penycae Scarecrow competition.
Both projects have united residents and given families a much-needed escape during lockdown.
“When everyone went into self-isolation I was concerned for the more elderly members of our village, so I signed up as a volunteer to help them,” said Catrin.
“We have been delivering medication, doing their shopping, picking up prescriptions and communicating with people in self-isolation, so they don’t feel lonely and worried.”
A former pupil at Ysgol Rhiwabon, she plans to become a nurse one day and says caring for others is in her blood.
“My mum is a councillor, my Dad was an emergency planning officer and my uncle is a social worker, so trying to help people is ingrained in me,” she added.
“It was an honour to be told I’ve received this award and quite a shock as to me it’s second nature.
“It was challenging trying to juggle college work with the volunteering, but I managed it and plan to keep supporting the community for as long as they need me.”
Catrin certainly excelled in her learning and achieved two Distinction* grades following the first year of the course. She will begin the second and final year this month.
Health and Social Care lecturer Wendy Fowler congratulated her on the award, and said: “Catrin is an exemplary learner, she embodies exactly what you need to work in the care sector.
“She is articulate, compassionate and hard working. I have known her for a few years now as she has progressed through the levels with us, and she should be proud of her achievements, as we are of her.
“She is a pleasure to teach and receiving this award shows just what a superstar she is – well done, Catrin!”
For more information on Coleg Cambria, visit the website: