Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board = Last Information on COVID & Flu vaccinations

Those eligible for the COVID-19 vaccination this winter, should now have received an invite too attend one of the six Community Vaccination Centres (CVCs).
If you have not received an invitation, or you missed your appointment and you are over the age of 18, ALL local vaccination clinics are now open for you to walk-in without an appointment.
Details of where our CVCs are located, can be found here –…/how-to-get-your-flu-or…/
If you believe you are eligible for a COVID vaccine but have not had an invite, or would prefer to book a time slot for your vaccination, you can contact the booking line on 01685 726464.
If you haven’t yet had your flu vaccination, these are available from your GP or local pharmacy. The best way to protect you and your loved ones is by taking up the offer of vaccines for Flu and COVID-19.
Weekend flu vaccination sessions for children and young people
If your child missed the opportunity to have their flu vaccine in school, it is still really important that they receive it. They will now have received a letter to attend a weekend appointment at one of the local community vaccination centres, which will be running clinics for the next two weekends in January.
If you are unable to make the appointment date or time stated on the letter, from this week, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board will also be holding drop-in sessions at all of its community vaccination centres each day (Mon – Fri) between 3:30 and 4:30pm.
The level of flu circulating in our communities continues to escalate and vaccination is the single most important thing we can do to protect the most vulnerable in our communities.
News provided by:
Huw David, County Borough Councillor for Pyle, Kenfig Hill & Cefn Cribwr
Tel: 07890 399742, Email:, Please follow me on Facebook