Cynffig pupils work on Green Space Enhancement Project at Bedford Park

Bridgend County Borough Council’s Green Space Enhancement Project funded by the Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), will revitalise green spaces and equestrian routes across the county borough. This will include the iconic Bedford Park, home of the Cefn Cribwr Ironworks, and Frog Pond Wood, in Pyle, which already features an interactive Oak sculpture trail for children in the Early Years.
Part of the transformation at Bedford Park will involve ‘Design Out Crime’ – an initiative which incorporates art and direct community involvement in a bid to tackle the vandalism that often occurs in nature sites. Renowned Swansea based artist, Ami Marsden, has collaborated with Year 8 and 9 pupils from Cynffig Comprehensive School to work on a range of carvings, as well as sketch designs, bringing their creativity and vision to life. This creative partnership, together with inspiration from a mysterious local guerilla artist who has been depicting druid like faces on the site, will influence the murals and installations that reflect the unique heritage, identity, and spirit of the local community.
The Green Space Enhancements Project will enable the transformation of Bedford Park, supporting aspirations for this green space to become an improved location for community engagement, recreation, as well as a wellbeing work hub. Families, friends, and visitors can all enjoy a rejuvenated space that promotes wellbeing and social cohesion.
Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Environment, Cllr John Spanswick, said: “The Shared Prosperity Fund continues to be instrumental in supporting projects that directly benefit communities fostering economic growth, and improving the quality of life for residents. This particular project also aligns with the council’s broader goals of promoting environmental sustainability and generating a sense of pride and ownership among residents.
“The collaboration with Ami Marsden and the students from Cynffig Comprehensive School has truly brought a new level of creativity and community spirit to Bedford Park. We are grateful for the support from the Green Space Enhancements Project and the Shared Prosperity Fund, which are allowing us to realize our vision to create inclusive and vibrant spaces for all.
“We look forward to a continued collaboration with residents, artists, and stakeholders to further enhance the county borough’s green spaces and promote the wellbeing of its communities.”
Green Space Volunteering is central to ongoing efforts in developing this area, with volunteers meeting weekly on site. If you would like to become involved, then please contact: or call 01656 815737.